DEBRA SANDRA BISSONNETTE              "Debbie"         College

9 St. John Street, South Dartmouth
"Sports goes hand in hand with her"
Activities: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Field Hockey 2, Manager 3, 4; Basketball 2,3, 4; Volleyball 2, 3, 4; Camoes Club 3, 4;Squad Leader 4.
This girl loves sports . . . seen frequently at Smith Mills Pharmacy . . . always with a gang of kids . . . drives her Rambler all over town . . . a very witty person . . . Debbie, do you fool around very much?... going to football and basketball games rate high . . . "Where're my keys?"
Future Plans: College
r28 RONA Street, North Dartmouth
Youth is full Of pleasure"
Activities: Basketball 1; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Prom Committees 3. 4.
A real popular gray around D.H.S. . . . can usually be seen "hanging in the Village" with a certain majorette . . . enjoys skiing, swimming, and football
wears tuff clothes . . . nice-looking guy with the greatest sense of humor
you coulldn' ask for better friend than "Bleek". . . "Well, well win some, ya lose some.
Fhture Planc College

JUDI LORRAINE BOUDREAU                               General

11 Macomber Avenue, North Dartmouth
 "To a young heart everything is fun"
Activities: Girls' Chorus 1; Dartettes 2; Prom Committees 3, 4; Dramatic ChPb 3,4; Portuguese Club 2; Squad Leader 2.
One of the lively ones .".place . a regular riot . . . can often be found hanging in Fall River "at a certain " or bombing through the Vill in her Rambler . . . enjoys dancing at the college mixers on Friday nights . . . cute girl . . . a real sharp dresser . . . a great kid to know . . . a real flirt . . . "Are you kidding me?"
Future Plans: Nursing
RALPH D. BRACKETT III                "Rocky"                         College

12 Salt Creek Road, South Dartmouth
"As prone to mischief as able to perform it"
Activities: Indoor Track 2, 3, 4; Outdoor track 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 4;
Key Club 4.
Goes where the action is . . . nice looking guy . . . a party goer . . . on the slopes he skis like a champ . . . girls play an important roll in his life . . . loves to just loiter. . . "Tastin' up a storm!"

Future Plans: College

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