284 Chase Road, North Dartmouth
"Happiness is in the future"
Activities: Squad Leader 1, 2; Dartettes 1„ 2, 3, 4.
A fun-loving girl ... a hard-working waitress . . . can usually be seen at Midway or "down the Mills" . . . loves to walk . . . walks for miles, when she can . . . "Wha'd ya say?"
Future Plans: Undecided
JANICE MAY GOMES—"Gomez" Business
56 Theresa Street, South Dartmouth
"Laugh, and the world laughs with you"
Honors: Roosevelt—Citizenship Award 1; Physical Fitness Award 1; Science Fair Award 1.
Activities: Roosevelt—Softball 1; Mixed Chorus 1; Science Class Vice-Pres. 1; Dance Committee 1; Prom Committee 1; Science Fair 1; Pep Squad 1. New Bedford—GAMS 2; Typing Aide 2. Dartmouth—Portuguese Club Treasurer 3; Prom Committees 3, 4; HARPOON.
A real sharp-looking girl with gorgeous clothes ... spends most of her time hacking down the Vil . . . our No. 1 "Soul Sister" . . . everyone knows and likes Janice . . . makes people laugh till their sides ache . . . popular among the gents . . . "Me? I should care!"
Future Plans: College

16 George Street, South Dartmouth
"A soft answer tumeth away any wrath"
Honors: Roosevelt Junior High—Honor Society 1.
Activities: Girls' Chorus 2; Mixed Chorus 3, 4; Portuguese Club 2; Prom Committee 4.
A friend to all . . . can be found working at the Pancake House . . . will make a great teacher someday . . . makes and buys lots of clothes . . . loves to cook .. "Ya Know?"
Future Plans: Teacher
JO ANN GONSALVES—"Speedy" Business
142 Pine Island Road, North Dartmouth
"Mirth and motion prolong life"
Honors: Physical Fitness Award 4, Red Cross Certificate 1, Typing Certificate 2.
Activities: Office Aide 4; Prom Committee 4; HARPOON.
One girl who's always active . . . likes all kinds of outdoor sports . . . loves swimming . . . plays tennis . . . best of all-has a very good-looking boyfriend . . . "Oh Doggie!"
Future Plans: Airline Stewardess

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