108 Rockland Street, South Dartmouth
"She possessed an imp or two - - what she'd do next, no one knew" Activities: Mixed Chorus 3, 4; Girls' Chorus 1, 3; Tennis 3.
Always with Mark driving around in the Hillman ... can really swing that tennis racket . . . loves surfing and horseback riding . .. spends all her money on clothes . . . always at Henry's downtown . . . never far from Jani and Patty. "For crying out loud!"
Future Plans: College
7 Longview Drive, North Dartmouth
"Knowledge is power"
Honors: Livingston High--Honor Roll 1. Dartmouth High—Honor Roll 3, 4; Regional All-State Band 3; "It's Academic" Captain 3; Scholarship Key 3; Chemistry Book Award 3; N. M. S. Q. T. Letter of Commendation 4; Honor Society 3, 4.
Activities: Livingston High--Band 1; Orchestra 1; Math Team 1. Dartmouth High--Band 3, 4; Orchestra 4; Astronomy Club Secretary 4.
One of our class genuises . . . plays the bassoon very well . . . loves math . . . can be found reading books on math ... has a good sense of humor . . . will really be a success.
Future Plans: Mathematician

48 Sheldon Street, North Dartmouth
"Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well"
Honors: Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Society 3, 4; N. E. D. T. Certificate; National French Honor Society 2, 3, 4.
Activities: A. F. S. 1; Debating Club 2; Astronomy Club President 4; Key Club 3, 4; Chess Club 3; Chemistry Lab Assistant 3.
Very quiet . . . a real brain . . . very interested in chemistry . . . likes to play golf and table tennis . . . is sure to be a success.
Future Plans: Physicist
ROBERT DANIEL WILCOX—"Willie" Industrial Arts
20 Briarcliff Avenue, North Dartmouth
"Keep cool, and you command everyone"
Activities: Indoor Track 1, 2, 3; Outdoor Track 1, 2, 3; Football 2, 3; Radio Club 1, 2.
A nice guy to know . . . usually seen "hangin" around the Village or riding his BSA . . . can really dance up a storm! . . . is usually seen with a certain blonde . . "That's really good!"
Future Plans: Undecided

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